Opening Day will be march 8th!
What is Included in Registration?
2-3 Weekly Practices
2 Games per Week (8U and older)
Uniform Shirt and Socks
What Does it Cost?
$25 sibling discount when you sign up your girls together!
6U $235
8U $270
10U $290
12U $290
14U $290
Coaches & Volunteers
We can not give these girls wonderful memories and build their skills without YOU! We will mentor new coaches and train volunteers. Every team needs a manager, coaches, asst coaches, score keepers, team parent, and a photographer. Click below to register to be a manager, coach or asst coach. Please speak up at team meetings for other jobs!
Clinic Sign Ups Now Available!

Scorekeeping Clinic will be Wed, Feb 27th 7pm
Opening day and team pictures: March 8
Join the Board!
We are a 100% volunteer-run organization and are welcoming Associate Members. As an Associate Member, you would work with current board members on projects or events as your availability dictates. You would not be obligated to go to our monthly meetings but could have a huge impact on our league if you are able to help in this way. See any board member with questions, or email Lynnae Brady at
New board members are voted in at the end of the spring season and are given voting power on the board beginning in June of each year.
League Store
We will have shirts and hoodies available for purchase in the snack shack throughout the season, but to find a variety of styles/colors please visit our store by clicking on Spirit Hero. Items will be shipped directly to your home.
This was a great experience for us and I am amazed at the growth of my daughter.
- 6U Parent
My daughter bonded with her teammates and truly had fun all season long. It was exciting to sit with the parents at the field and cheer on our girls!
- 12U Parent
Our Sponsors

About Us
Mailing Address:
PO Box 23157
San Jose, CA 95153